Monthly Archives: February 2013

Emirates Park Zoo

One of the hidden gems of Abu Dhabi, The Emirates Park Zoo should be on the list of every expat, local or adventurous tourist. Emirates Park Zoo is located in Shahama about 30 minutes outside Abu Dhabi on the road to Dubai. You will only need a few hours to see all of the attractions but it’s worth the drive.
Entrance to the park will cost you about 25 dirhams but make sure you bring a bit of extra cash for feed or bring your own dates just in case they run out (which they do).

Emirates Park Zoo gives you a unique chance to interact with camels, goats, giraffes, monkeys and a variety of other wildlife. Patrons are actually encouraged to feed the animals, usually leaves and dates.

The giraffes, monkeys and camels steal the show with an up close and personal interaction that you cannot get at most western zoos. You can get an up close view of a camels teeth, watch a giraffe grab a leaf with its enormous tongue or play tug of war with a monkey trying to get a date. There are also a large number or big cats including 3 of the world’s 300 Siberian White Tigers. Though small, the zoo is laid out in a way that allows you to see and interact with animals from around the world. For more information on the zoos timings visit Emirates Park Zoo

Tip: Interacting with the zoo staff is a great way to get a closer look at other animals such as the falcons or seal lions. The zoo is outdoors so plan accordingly and consider the weather. Also keep in mind that when driving to the Zoo there are a number of brown signs along the way….they interchange between Emirates Park Zoo and Kids Park Zoo.

Ferrari Wolrd

Ferrari World is one of the top attractions in Abu Dhabi and is a must visit attraction on your trip.

Ferrari World is the largest indoor amusement park in the world and is contained under a massive 2 million square foot roof. There are a limited number of major attractions due to the small size, but you will still find enough fun to spend a whole day here.
Formula Rossa– By far the number one attraction, this roller coater is currently the fastest in the world at a top speed of 149 mph. It’s fast enough they make you wear goggles for the 90 second ride.

Fiorano GT Challenge– The other major attraction at Ferrari World, features two racing coasters with Ferrari inspired cars.
There are a number of virtual reality, 3-d and 4-d rides throughout the park, a galley featuring iconic Ferraris and a few attractions for children. Some find the park disappointing, expecting it to rival theme parks in the US, but Ferrari World is meant to be enjoyed for its sites and iconic memorabilia as well as its prized attractions. For ticketing and timings Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Tip: As always it’s best to visit on a Friday morning to avoid long queues and crowds. Also be aware that food is quite expensive but if you’re willing to fork over the cash, there is an authentic Italian restaurant to enhance the Italian Ferrari experience.